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Genetic Tools

Prof. Oliver Griesbeck | LMU - Calcium Indicators
Dr. Jelena Platisa-Popovic | Yale - Voltage Indicators
Dr. Johannes Vierock | (Hegemann Lab) HU-Berlin - Optogenetics
Dr. Jennifer Treweek | USC - Viral Strategies & clearing
Dr. Sabine Krabbe | DZNE / Bonn - Miniscope
Dr. Nicolò Accanto | (Emiliani Lab) CNRS - 2P Microscopy + Holography
Dr. Tobias Rose | DZNE / Bonn - 2P head-fixed behavior
Dr. Hongbo Jia | SIBET Suzhou - 2P Calcium Imaging
Imaging Hardware

Data Analysis
Dr. Alon Rubin | Weizmann Institute - GCaMP
Dr. Pedro Goncalves | MPI Tübingen - Statistical models / machine learning
Dr. Mackenzie Mathis | EPFL Lausanne - Behavioral analysis
Dr. Andrea Giovannucci | UNC-Chapel Hill - Signal processing

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